Hello friends!

So I know it has been literally forever and a month since I posted on here. The fact is since I started this blog almost 3 years ago a lot has changed for me and I have changed a lot because of that.

I stopped blogging altogether for a really, really long time. I have in the past year been writing a lot more. I have been writing poetry and stories and it has again become a passion for me. I knew that blogging would help me continue to develop my voice as a writer so recently I started to consider blogging again.

However, because I am so different and my life is so different it felt right to begin anew on a different blog. If you are interested in following me there you are of course welcome to! As of now I can promise no kind of schedule or predictability but if you want updates on me they will be there 🙂

It is called Hypothyroid Diaries. It will be different from 16 an Losing It. It will be less of a food blog and more of a blog about my life as it is now. As the name shows there will be some emphasis on my Hypothyroidism and its effects on my weight etc. But I am more than my Hypothyroidism and so my blog will hopefully reflect that.

16 and Losing It meant a lot to me at the time I was writing it and I am eternally grateful to everyone who read and continues to read my many posts.

With that said, I will say au revoir to this blog but bonjour to the new blog!

Best Wishes ❤


Hello friends!

As I write this I am speeding down I-70 out of Denver, Colorado! I am visiting a friend from backpacking last year and her family. I spent 2 days in Denver, I got in early Saturday morning. Today we are off to Mt. Evans a 14,000 foot mountain we have decided to climb 😛 it will certainly be an experience to remember although I truly can’t wait to be done with it climbing mountains is not really my thing. We’ll start climbing early tomorrow morning and we’re camping there tonight. I will take plenty of pictures for you guys I promise!

I just thought I’d update you all and let you know I haven’t forgotten you! Hope you are having a fantastic and delicious 4th of July!!

Elli 🙂

Hello friends!

I know I have been MIA for a while now 😦 You can thank junior year for that. Junior year was hands down the toughest year of school I have ever had. Somehow, though, I survived, and managed to get straight As despite my crazy AP and honors classes! 🙂 So in the end, even though I thought I might not make it a few times, I did and now I am free for 2 months!!!

I know I left you guys hanging in a big way with my Junior Dinner Dance so I will keep you in suspense no longer. JDD was a ton of fun! I went with a really great group of friends. One good thing that did come out of Junior year is that I found a group of friends this year that I love and feel really close too, which I have struggled to do in past years. My date was also a good friend of mine, although I won’t lie I wish he was more than that (more in that later :P). The dance itself was ridiculously fun even if it was pretty cliché, I mean come on we all love a little cliché sometimes!

So now many of you probably want to know about this guy…

He and I  met in like 7th grade. We were kind of friends for most of middle school. Freshman year we kind of lost touch but last year we had a class together and became really good friends. Around that same time I realized that despite, or maybe because, he was a pretty big nerd (in the best possible sense I believe that being a nerd is a great thing to be :P) I REALLY like him. He’s funny, and in a school where I feel 10x smarter than 90% of the people he challenged me to think. This year we again had a class together and only became better friends. We texted each other almost daily, talked daily, and hung out a few times. To me and all of my friends it seemed pretty clear that he felt the same way about me that I did about him.

So about a week after JDD I asked him how he felt about me. I didn’t confess my undying love for him or anything crazy just “I was wondering if you saw me as just a friend of maybe more…” To his credit he let me down quite easy. He told me that at the moment he was not looking for a relationship, he hoped he hadn’t led me on, and wanted to stay “close friends.” Was I disappointed? Yeah, as high school began I had quickly given up on finding a guy who could get me enough to be my boyfriend. But as we got closer I got my hopes up that maybe I would actually have a boyfriend. So despite him being really nice about it, it was still hard to hear.

I had hoped that we could go back to normal as much as possible after that. Obviously I expected it to be a little awkward at first, but I am pretty mature, and I thought he was as well so we could get past it right? Apparently not. 3 months later, despite plenty of effort on my part, we hardly talk and he seemed to only get more uncomfortable as time went on. 😦

And now its summer, so who knows what will happen. I know that his life has not been easy lately and will only get harder this summer. He has problems with his jaw and just today got pretty intense surgery to fix it, the recovery from which will take all summer. But I should also note that he never told me this himself, his mom told my mom who told me. I am hoping that maybe when he has recovered from the surgery and it is not looming on his mind anymore maybe things will change with us, but I am also trying to move on 🙂

Phew! Lets move away from the personal soap opera now and onto today, which has been pretty uneventful.

I woke up at 7:30, that may not seem late but compared to getting up at 5:30 for school it was heaven. Breakfast was a homemade waffle with peanut butter, fig jam, and a banana with a pear, grapes, and cherries.

AFter breakfast I went to kickboxing ( I love being able to drive!!) and had a killer workout.

Lunch was barbecue tempeh and salad that I forgot to take pictures of because I was so hungry 😛

So there’s my update for y’all! My weight is still going up and down, although more the former than the latter unfortunately. My thyroid medication seems to be working as far as my blood tests showed but I haven’t been having any better luck on the scale yet but I will keep you posted.

I hope everyone is enjoying the beginning of summer, especially if you are still in school!!

xoxo Elli

About 2 weeks ago I went to an endocrinologist. My mom and I decided that if after a month or 2 of Weight Watchers, if I wasn’t losing weight there must be something physically wrong with me. So we sent this doctor some old test results I get about a year ago when my family doctor checked my thyroid and told me it was normal. It turns out that is isn’t normal, and I basically have the thyroid of a 90-year-old woman. My thyroid was like more than 3 times slower than the doctor’s and he is a 50-year-old man. So basically I have hypothyroidism.

So I left his office with a drug that basically will speed up my metabolism, but it takes about 3 weeks minimum to start working. And these past few weeks I have really been struggling. Its gets tiring to work really hard to eat really well and yet not see any results from that hard work. Sure sometimes eating healthy is easy, sometimes when I eat healthy I feel thinner, happier, stronger,  and in control. But, and I don’t really know why, being that  in control is hard to keep up.

For most people there is a little wiggle room in weight loss. That’s why WW has the extra weekly points. Most people can eat over the points allowance by a small margin every day and still lose weight, maybe a little less weight, but a loss nonetheless. For me going over by even 1 or 2 points everyday basically guarantees I will gain somewhere between .5 and 1 pound.

This week I went over by 5 or 6 points many days (and more 2 days) and gained 3 or 4 pounds. I wish I could say that I am taking it all in stride, people always tell me how impressed they are with my attitude towards weight loss. But I can’t lie and say that I am not seriously frustrated by the lack of control I have over my body, and even more so by the fact that in the past few weeks I have not taken control of the small part that I do have. I let myself go a little. I think it was the knowledge that I have hypothyroidism and that when the drug starts to work I will be able to lose weight like a normal person. And so I loosened the reins, not drastically, just to the place where I imagine most people trying to lose weight hold them. The only problem is that I am not most people yet, I’m still the 17-year-old with a 90-year-old metabolism. And so I have gained consistently the past few weeks, and they are numbers that are not easy to see on the scale. To think about the fact that in October I was 151 and today I am 170, makes me so angry and frustrated. There are days when I just want to give up, eat everything I want and then just crawl into be and pretend that nothing exists, just hide from my problems. I know that is far from the answer to my problems, but unfortunately I also know the answer is not easy to put into practice.

What makes this all even harder to me is that JDD is this Friday. I got my dress back from the seamstress yesterday, and it was tight. Not unwearably tight, it just didn’t have that fits-me-like-a-glove feeling I hoped it would have after getting it altered. It fit me perfectly just 3 weeks ago, but I have gained 5 or 6 pounds since then, if not more. It still looks gorgeous and as long as I don’t gain anymore this week it will be fine for the big day. But still… it’s not a happy feeling.

So all I can do this week is tighten the reins again. Sure I know I can’t keep them tight forever, but I have to so everything I can this week so my dress can be as comfortable as possible and I can enjoy JDD, and not think about my weight.

I have felt very out of control the past few weeks, in addition to my weight gain, the AP tests are coming up very fast and I don’t feel particularly ready for them. Yet I still haven’t studied, and I wish I had a good reason why, but it’s really just avoidance. Also I need to find a job for the summer/senior year, but the idea of just going around, asking the places I have in mind if they need someone, and giving them some silly little resume with no actual work experience on it makes me really uncomfortable. Like so many other things in my life right now, I am avoiding taking any action.

I know the response to all of these issues, I have to get out of my comfort zone, it’s the only way I will grow, and I have to just stop thinking about everything and just do it. But that is all much easier said than done…

I’m sorry this blog was basically just one be whining session. I hope next time I blog I will have better, happier things to talk about.

I hope everyone is enjoying their Spring (thank goodness it’s finally here!) and if you celebrate Easter I hope its great!

❤ ❤ Elli

Ahhh!!! I know, I know I basically disappeared for the month of March, it was a busy month for me and while I wanted to log I just couldn’t find the time to really sit down and write anything for you guys…

So what’s new?

Well I wouldn’t have called March a particularly exciting month for me some things have definitely changed. First, I got my braces off!!! I am so glad to be rid of those things. On the downside now I have to wear my retainer which is probably even more annoying than braces and I’m not sure it fits right, which means I have to trek all the way back to my orthodontist this week to make sure it does.

In other news I am still on Weight Watchers with little success. I am tracking everything I eat, working out (cardio and strength) and going to meetings yet I have gained almost every week! I’m not going to lie and say that it hasn’t been seriously frustrating at times. On one hand I am used to trying really hard to be “good” and not seeing results, on the other hand its Weight Watchers! I should be losing weight with them if I do everything right! I do feel like I am getting great support there regardless though, the leader and all the other people there are so friendly and encouraging.

To maybe try to understand why I am struggling to so much I have an appointment in a few weeks with an endocrinologist. I’m not getting my hopes up, but it would be nice in many ways if there was something medically wrong with me that explains why it is so hard for me. It would mean a definitive answer and solution.

I don’t have any new food to show you guys but here are some old meals of mine!

Mediterranean Beef Stew from Weight Watchers.

Salmon with dill sauce and sautéed spinach and tomatoes also from WW.

Fish has become a pretty regular meal here, its quick, yummy, healthy, and not chicken 😛

Eggplant Lasagna, this is God’s food I swear! This is what I want to have for my last meal if I get to choose… I cannot adequately express how deep and passionate me love to this lasagna is.

Chicken with fennel, pine nuts, and raisins, this would have been really amazing but despite being cooked for-ev-er the chicken wasn’t cooked enough which is just ewwy.

With green beans and cauliflower puree, I loooove cauliflower puree! probably even more than regular mashed potatoes…

I promise I will get back in the habit of photographing my meals so I can share them with you guys, we have been cooking a lot more lately so I have a lot to share!

In the non-food/weight-loss world things have been improving also. This winter was pretty bad for me, my mood was pretty generally low, but in the last month or two I have been improving. I don’t really know what changed but the days just feel a little easier again. Also (and this probably has helped my mood) there’s this guy…

Yup a guy. His name is Jordan, we have been friends for a while, and I’m not really sure when I realized that I liked him. He is quite smart, and I think that has to do with it. I may not be a genius or anything but I am relatively smart and it’s nice to talk to someone who is on my level and maybe even smarter than I am. He challenges me and I think I like that. I alway’s kind of thought he felt the same way but I was never sure, until recently. Lately we have been texting a lot and we have hung out a few times. The biggest proof was that he asked me to JDD or Junior Dinner Dance (aka Junior Prom). I obviously wanted to go with him, but he doesn’t normally go to school dances and I thought I would have to drop hints left and right to find out if he was going. But he surprised me and asked me totally unexpectedly without any provocation! I have never had a boyfriend or even the possibility of a boyfriend before so this is fun for me… 🙂

JDD is April 29th and I promise I will post pictures!!

I hope that everyone is having a great spring!! It’s supposed to be warm here this week!!!


E ❤

I survived another week!

Actually this week was pretty easy as my weeks go. Monday I had off  from school for President’s Day, and the Tuesday we had the world’s lamest snow day. We got like 3 inches of snow and the roads were fine, but someone decided that we couldn’t have school so we didn’t! So I had a 3 day week! The icing in the cake is that on Friday my school had a blood drive, there are 2 every year one in December and one in February. At any given time half of my class was gone either because they were giving blood or because they were in student council and so were working at the blood drive. I actually love giving blood, well I don’t love the needles, or the blood, or the pain (I’m kinda a wuss when it comes to pain) but how awesome is it that by giving blood I just saved 3 people’s lives! And also the t-shirts are always awesome! This time they were Jersey Shore (like the MTV show) themed:

Clever, no? This picture does not capture the crazy brightness of it though, its NEON in real life.

Other than that really not much happened this week. WW went well and I am still feeling really good about eating and tracking. I feel like I’m losing weight so that is nice! It’s so nice to eat fruit again!!

With cottage cheese!

And on its own, this is pear mango, banana, pineapple, and grapes *drooling*

Here was last Sunday’s dinner:

Hawaiian Chicken without the rice, with some kale sautéed with some garlic and some teriyaki sauce.

Thanks to a grill pan it had really nice grill marks, but it the chicken was pretty thick and just wouldn’t cook in the middle so we had to finish it up the microwave. Regardless, it tasted awesome!

Tomorrow I am going up to NYC to see a friend of my mom’s who she hasn’t seen in 12 years!!! It will be nice to get out of the normal routine for a day and take a little trip.

I hope everyone has an awesome week! March is so close and the days here are starting to warm up a little!! I can’t wait for spring!

❤ Elli


My mom and I went to the Weight Watchers meeting last Monday, and we really liked it. The leader, Kathleen, had great energy as did the group, which was quite big! I really liked Kathleen, she lost 80 pounds and has kept it off for 6 years so far so I feel like she will be not only a great leader but a great resource! I weighed in at 166, but as it was 5:30 at night, I had just worked out and drunk a ton of water, and I was fully dressed that number didn’t bother me much.

I really found that I could still eat plenty and feel satisfied (which I wasn’t too concerned about honestly) but since WW has this new set up I get 29 points a day so I really just had to cut my portions a little bit. Plus I get extra points for working out which I do pretty much every day so I have anywhere from 3 to 11 extra points depending on if I do yoga or strength or kickboxing.

As it often is I knew I felt good but I had no idea if I lost weight. But I weighed myself yesterday morning as always and I was 158… which means I lost 2 pounds!!! Thank god!!! I won’t be totally happy until I see 150 but the scale is going in the right direction again so I am very pleased.

There were 2 meals worth mentioning this week…

First this beautiful work of art my mom and I made last week

Eggplant Lasagna, with homemade meat sauce (made with ground turkey). WE didn’t really have a recipe for this baby we just roasted some eggplant and then made a basic lasagna. And let me tell you it was TO DIE FOR!! And 1/6 was only 9 points! On the side we had roasted brussels sprouts which are only 1 point because of the oil and were also delish!

The second meal was another Cooking Light chicken recipe (don’t worry I got a new issue so there will be less chicken and more variety soon, this last issue was all about using chicken :P)

This time it was Tandoori Spiced Chicken (it might just look like yellow chicken but it tasted like sunshine! :P)

with my mom’s famous (at least to me) roasted cauliflower.

It’s just cauliflower roasted in a little bit of oil and some other stuff  (what I don’t know) but it tastes so yummy, like only something you mom makes can!

Today we made more of the lasagna and after WW we will have that (how can you not have fresh out of the oven lasagna!) I know I could show you what we had for dinner last night from CL (I lied  you’ll have to suffer through read about one more chicken recipe) but I’ll save it for next blog so I have something to talk about 😛

I hope that everyone had a great weekend and President’s day if you live in the US. I ❤ random holidays I get off from school for!


Elli 🙂

I really wanted the Nutritionista’s plan for me to work, but I gave it 2 weeks and I have gained almost 4 pounds in those 2 weeks. And while there are many parts of her plan that I do agree with and that I will keep around I am off to try new things!

What are those new things? Weight Watchers. My mom has done WW many times and lost about 110 pounds with them. she has gained a bunch if it back, but since she is a lifetime member she is going to come with me at least sometimes.

I am going to keep a lot of what I’ve learned from the Nutritionista and use it with WW. For example, I have learned that my life is a lot easier if I just avoid carbs that don’t come from fruits and veggies. I also know that I feel much more satisfied if I eat fat.

So using WW as a guideline to keep below a certain amount of calories I am going to keep eating lower carb (but I am bringing my beloved fruit back!!) and higher in fat. Also still not “diet” foods. If I want a cheese stick I am going to have a real cheese stick, is it more points? yeah. But I know it will satisfy me way more than fake “diet” cheese. Another change is my dessert. I used to have a chocolate Vitamuffin for dessert. I really liked it, but I always craved more food after it. Lately I have been having “ice cream” for dessert. 

A mix of frozen raspberries, cream cheese, sour cream, and some chocolate. I mix it all up and leave it in the freezer for a few hours and it is about as close to ice cream as I can get without buying an ice cream machine. And even better when I finish it I don’t crave more I just feel satisfied. On WW I will probably replace the cream cheese with low-fat cottage cheese, but I will keep the sour cream for the fat, which I really believe makes all the difference.

Some other things I ate in the past few weeks that I am going to keep in some shape or form are:

My breakfast: omelette with spinach and cheese with chicken sausage (excuse the Winnie the Pooh plate :P). But on WW I will use a mix of whole eggs and egg whites, less cheese, and turkey bacon rather than sausage. Also fruit!!

My morning snack: Heather Eat’s Almond Butter’s Kermit muffins

My lunch: salad with cheese and turkey and a cheese stick. But I’ll use less cheese in the salad.

Afternoon snack: chicken salad with spinach

But now with a mix of mayo and 0% greek yogurt and red pepper instead of dried cranberries.

Some of my dinners: like snack plates which are super fast and easy

This one has tuna salad, cheese with prosciutto, a hard-boiled egg, avocado, carrots, red pepper, and cheese.

These can really be as WW friendly as I want depending on what I use.

So I am really keeping a lot the same just modifying it. I really think that If I do WW right there should be no reason why I shouldn’t lose weight.

I weighed myself this morning and I gained almost 2 pounds, which brought me to 160.5. Which sucked to see. Since just a few months ago I was 151. But as sad as I am to have gained so much it only motivates me more. I am registering at WW on Monday night and I am going to do everything I can to see 159 a week from now.

So that’s the status of my weight loss… how about another delicious Sunday dinner!!

Chicken with Mushroom Sauce from CL as always (I ❤ that mag!!) This is definitely one of my absolute favs! It was super easy and soooooo delicious I can’t even describe it! We had some frozen veggies from Trader Joe’s on the side.

I hope that everyone has a very happy Valentine’s Day and a great week!

<3<3<3<3 Elli 🙂


So in my travels through the interwebs I have come across many a nutrition/health blog as you can see from the list of blogs I love you can find here on my blog. Well in one of theses internet adventures I came across Leah a.k.a. YourNutritionista. I couldn’t help but notice that she did consulting and that intrigued me considering I have been epically failing struggling to lose weight (I should mention now that I gained another pound and a little extra last week… yeah I’m 157 and it SUCKS!!!). Instead of paying and rather large sum for months of help (which I may still do :P) I got a one time 40 min consult with her over the phone. So where I am going with this?

Well Leah’s suggestions/ideas/perspective on how I should eat and workout to lose these last #$%$#@ 15s pounds were interesting but DIFFERENT (and that’s even a bit of an understatement). To show you what I mean here are the guidelines she sent me to follow:

– Every meal and snack should focus on protein and fat.

-Grains, starches, fruit, and sugar should be treated like condiments. Really watch your fruit intake!

-Try to eliminate as many processed carbs from your diet as you can, including Vitamuffins, soy milk, diet snack bars, and cereal.

-No “light,” “100-calorie,” or “diet” foods. Real food only!

-Don’t fear the fat –- It WON’T make you fat.

-Don’t worry about portions or calories. Instead, be more concerned with watching processed carb/sugar intake.

-Swap out cardio in favor of strength. Too much cardio can work against you. Try circuit workouts that alternate 1-2 minutes of cardio and then strength.

-Get pre-cooked proteins (chicken sausage, canned tuna or salmon, etc.) so you can easily build meals.

-Consider Snack Plates (2 fats, 2 proteins, 2 veggies, and 1 fruit) for lunch or dinner .

-For dinners, try finding recipes for high-protein/fat casseroles instead of soups for more variety.

(I should probably say now that I am not saying that this is the only way to lose weight or be healthy and that I think there are lots of healthy ways to eat so if you don’t agree with any of her suggestions that’s fine you don’t have to, but how you live is for you to decide and how I live is for me to decide :))

So notice anything about that list?? How about that it is like the opposite of basically everything I used to do!!!! Yeah I’m not going to lie at first the idea of not caring about calories really freaked me out. But I told myself I would give it 2 weeks to see what happened. My mom has a friend who has lost a lot of weight eating low-carb and a lot of the things that Leah explained to me over the phone made a lot of sense. Plus I figured that worst case is that I gain weight which I am doing anyway so what did I have to lose?

So yeah my breakfast went from oatmeal with pumpkin and like 3 different fruits to an omelette (with 3 whole eggs :0) with cheese and spinach and either turkey bacon or chicken breakfast sausage and half a piece of fruit (apple or pear normally). Filling? hell yes!! Low-calorie?? Are you kidding?

Lunch is still salad but with way more turkey, cheese, and more oil and a cheese stick or something on the side.

My afternoon snack is a low carb wrap with chicken salad inside and maybe some cottage cheese with the other half of breakfast’s fruit. And let me tell you I am not hungry again until dinner. My extra snacking has almost disappeared!

Dinner has been a few snack plates (which are crazy huge and crazy good!) For example: 1/2 an apple or pear with some PB, tuna salad, carrots, red pepper, cheese, and dip made of sour cream and sweet and hot mustard. Also for dinner we made a casserole with chicken and pork sausage and cabbage you top it with the same sour cream and mustard I used as a dip above (this stuff is so amazing I don’t understand why any other dip even exists!) we’ll have some kale with it because while it tastes like angels singing its a little lacking in color (try yellow with some brown :P)

I also only went kickboxing 2 times this week (can you imagine?!?) Instead I did some circuit style strength workouts using 2 routines from glamour (1 & 2) I’ll do 5 minutes of cardio (high knees, jumping jacks, running up and down my stairs, etc.) to warm up, the 3 strength moves, then 30 seconds of cardio, then repeat the 1st 3 moves, then another 30 seconds of cardio, then I repeat that process with more sets of 3 moves for about 45 mins. Let me tell you people I have been sore from this!! Its pretty awesome!

So we’ll see how the weigh-in tomorrow goes. I’m sad to say that my jeans have still been a little tight but I’m not giving up yet. No matter what I weigh tomorrow morning I will stick with this for at least another week, and then I’ll decide if I want to stick with it (and maybe pay for 3 months or her consulting which would be really awesome if it works!) or try something else (my mom and I were considering Weight Watchers).

Ok so I know that this post has been a little light on the pictures (I will try to take some pictures of the things I have been eating with this new “plan” if I remember) so to add some color to this post lets talk about last Sunday’s dinner.

We made another CL recipe, this time it was Bacon and Goat Cheese Stuffed Chicken. And yes it tasted just as creamy, rich, and awesome as it sounds.

With it we had some roasted potatoes and broccoli rabe  which to be honest we failed at cooking it was over cooked and bitter… but at least there was some green on the plate.


That red stuff on the chicken is just roasted red pepper pureed with raw garlic and olive oil. This stuff is really yummy, and seriously is good with anything. Next time we are going to roast the garlic with the pepper.

Alright I have to face the music and get back to doing my #$%#$ homework… I hope the your February is going well!!

Au Revoir!!

Elli 🙂

Well… I survived med-terms! I even pulled out a A (ok 89.7) on my AP Psych exam! *does happy dance*

The antibiotics finally kicked in and I am feeling 95% fine. I got to go back to working out Wednesday just in time to get one workout in before good ol’ nature dumbed about 10 inches of snow on us! We have been killed with snow this year and to be quite honest it has lost all that “yay it snowed!” magic… when is is Mayyyy!

I did get a great arm workout shoveling it all though…

This morning I did a double whammy kickboxing workout, thats right folks I did 2 classes in a row! It was hard but kind of awesome (like 1,324 calories worth of awesome!). I think I might do it like once a month or so. It does kind of throw off my eating for the rest of the day though because I am way more hungry which isn’t a good thing the day before a weigh in and also I have to drink a ton of water tore hydrate but then sore muscles retain water so we’ll see what Sunday brings…

One cool thing was that 2 people told me that I looked really good and thinner than last time they saw me! People don’t seem to notice my weight loss that often so I love it when people say something. It was especially nice since I have’t exactly been feeling good about my weight lately. I gained another pound last week and was up to 156 which sucks especially when I was once 151 and I can tell the difference although in jeans and a sweatshirt I may look no different believe me people there is more of me than there was 2 months ago!!

I’m trying not to think about that though… so I’m not going too.

Other than Mid-terms being over and the world being a little too cold and white for my taste not a whole lot went down this week. It will be nice to have school go back to normal this week instead of “holy s**** we have to cram stuff in and study!!!!”

How about we talk Sunday dinner!!

So I know I said we were going to make chicken meatloaf for dinner, but due to a mushroom deficiency we had to go with Chicken Cutlets with Creamy Dijon Sauce instead.

On the side was the worlds sweetest sweet potato and my favorite leafy green kale!!

As always it was totally delish and the sauce was especially yummy even though we had to use half and half instead of whipping cream it was still super creamy and just ah-may-zing.

We also cooked up a bunch of soup for the week.

Split Pea– a personal fav. We out a few cups of it int he blender and left the rest alone so the smooth the chunky ratio was purrrfect.

Then my mom’s everything-but-the-kitchen-sink “soup”– I say “soup” because she uses so many veggies there isn’t much room for broth left so we have to add it as we eat it. I normally add some rice and/or beans to this which just puts the yum factor to like 32!

So there ya go my friends! Believe it or not I have homework that I am now procrastinating on… so I should probably stop now and just bite the bullet 😛

I hope you all had a fabulous January, all I can say it I will be glad when the calendar says February, January has not been all that kind (is it ever??)

xoxo Elli ❤