Ahhh the weekend! It seems so much more important and exciting during the school year! πŸ˜› this weekend has not been all that exciting but I have enjoyed it just the same.

Friday I had a volleyball game that ended around 6:30 so I wasn’t home until almost 7. Phew! Talk about a long day!

Dinner that night was some super comforting oatmeal with strawberries

Just what a girl needs after a 12 hour day!

Saturday I got up bright and early and went to kickboxing form 8:30 to 9:30. I have never gone to this class because I didn’t think I could go and still go to the barn. I gave it a shot yesterday though and it worked out great! I’m so glad it did because that means I can start going to that class which will be really nice for 2 reasons

1) I love kickboxing and would rather go there than to the gym, although I have to keep up my running because I have a 10K in november!

2) It’s really nice to get my workout done by 9:30. It makes the day seem much more open to other things than when I go to the gym around 11 or 12.

Some people may be able to just have a small snack before they workout in the morning but I need real fuel in order to workout! Saturday that fuel was cereal and toast.

nom nom nom πŸ™‚

Those funny little blueish things on there are freeze- dried blueberries! I found them at Trader Joe’s the other day and they are my new topping obsession! They taste just like blueberries but they are super crispy! Plus the whole bag is 120 calories!!!

After kickboxing, shower, and an hour out at the barn I was seriously ready for lunch in a big way.

I had a Green Monster in a bowl topped with granola and my new blueberries

It wasn’t quite sweet enough so I had fun drawing random shapes in Β it with the honey…

hehe... maybe I'm a nerd but I'm ok with that πŸ˜›

I also had some grapes which were really good in the green monster… and some toast which I have no picture of 😦

Who knew grapes could be so gorgeous!

After that I did some major history reading and made it through half the chapter! Yeah I’m pretty awesome I know ;P

After all that reading I need a snack, although lunch had kept me pretty freakin’ full!

Bran muffin from TJs with cottage cheese and pumpkin butter!

I was so tired by dinner I totally forgot to take pictures but I had a veggie wrap and some “Black” Bean soup.

This morning I got up and weighed myself and I lost 1.2 pounds! I have now lost a pound or more the last 2 weeks in a row which is pretty darn good for me! I always lose the most weight during volleyball season because I am so much more busy the days we have games and I eat less also.

That’s all I got for y’all right now! I just finished history (hallelujah!) so I’m just hanging out trying to enjoy the last of this sunday…
